
User Adoption

By August 16, 2019 October 15th, 2020 No Comments

If we define a System as a combination of Software, Hardware, People, Processes and Data and also accept that getting a high level of user acceptance is critical, the obvious question is:

“How do we drive User Acceptance?”

With some Systems where there is no, or little, choice about how you use the system, then it becomes straight forward.

When implementing a Purchase Order Management System, if an end user wants to requisition or order something, then they will have little choice but to use the new system. If they raise a manual order to a supplier, then the resultant invoice will not get paid and the hassle for the individual user will be such that they will start to use the new system in line with the new business processes.

Even in this circumstance, Change Management is critical, but I would like to focus on a type of system where it is much harder to achieve high levels of user acceptance. Let us consider implementing a Time and Expense Management system.

Booking time correctly for the right activities/projects is critical for a business to understand where its overheads are, and where non-value added effort is being expended. However, an end user will not necessarily see or understand the value of data accuracy. Does it really matter if I book 4 hours to “Filing project paperwork” or “Admin” or should the time in fact be booked to a Client Project?

If you don’t focus on how you are going to get data accuracy, then the one truth we can be certain of is that you will have inaccurate data and hence the project will fail to deliver its planned benefits!

The moral?

Do not underestimate the importance of Change Management where your user community is going to struggle to answer the simple question of “What’s in it for me ?”. With a PO system that question is really easy – if you don’t use it properly you won’t get your goods! Getting data accuracy from a time sheet system necessitates effective Change Management to ensure the users will deliver accurate data!

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