Program Audit and Due-Diligence

Programme and Project audits are a key way to get a point-in-time understanding of the state of the program, what is working well and what aspects need additional attention. There is a tendency for programme reporting to be optimistic and expecting everything to come good in the end. Keeping the project team honest and making sure that personal agenda items are not creeping in to derail the good work helps to maintain focus. Teams sometimes become too close to the work and do not have the capability or bandwidth to stand back to ensure what they are doing is the correct thing. Where areas of improvement are identified then recommendations and corrective actions are made. By conducting independent due-diligence of the programme, technology and vendors, we ensure that any risks and factors that influence the successful outcome are highlighted early

Our role in providing Audit and Due-Diligence services:

Processes and Procedures
We come with a toolkit of checklists and processes that can be used to undertake system and project audits to ensure that both governance, cadence, key principles and best practice are being applied to the overall delivery and programme.
Application and Vendor Management
We can review the vendors, their contracts and processes to ensure that they adhere to the minimum standard that your organisation expects. That they conform and are aligned to any policies or minimum standards your company requires. We also check that they are aligned, or do not breach, any company values your company is passionate about. We understand that vendors management is key and it needs to work as a partnership to succeed.
Technology Landscape
We perform audit and due-diligence of the technology landscape, eco-systems and resources to ensure an inventory exists. It is of a standard that can be used for defining a technology strategy and assisting in informed decision making. Making sure that you have the right talent pool for each technology is also vital to the success of any programme or project.

Contact us Today

Ian Hay
Director, Financial Practice

+44 (0)772 0769031