PMO – Programme Management Office

The need to control programme’s and projects requires a dedicated approach and consistent execution of the basis control disciplines. We set-up and enhanced PMO teams to ensure that control over these activities is undertaken on a consistent basis.

Our role in providing PMO services:

When a portfolio of projects make up the programme. We facilitate the ability to provide an Integrated Programme Plan, this being essential to track the key milestones on a consistent basis. Having a coherent plan that aligns to overall delivery goals makes it easier to spot potential problems.
Governance Practices
We implement and set-up control practices like RAID (Risks, Actions, Issues and dependencies) monitoring ensures that factors that can derail the programme are identified and clearly managed. This identification of potential problems allows stakeholders and executives to focus on the true areas that need attention. The right governance committees for each level within it is also mandatory if the programme is to be successful. These practices also ensure that the correct artifacts and documentation are produced and a gating systems reduces scope creep. Having the right controls and governance in place around the programme reduces the likelihood of the programme failing to delivery the defined business benefits.
We introduce metrics that make the reporting of progress consistent. Having the right metrics and KPIs for monitoring makes sure the ability to spin is difficult. They highlight how a programme is performing with the ability to spot potential problems earlier. The right metrics should align to the key aspirations of the stakeholders, making sure that what is important is being measured.
We implement Financial control as a major factor in creating a successful programme and align it to the business benefits. Having the correct financial control helps stop scope creep and overspending to occur. Setting up a clear and well maintained system to track the finance, clearly implementing cost control across the programme and projects makes sure that value is maintained. Linking the costs, benefits and ROI is fundamental to ensure the business maximises the outcome.

Contact us Today

Ian Hay
Director, Financial Practice

+44 (0)772 0769031