Programme Management

Harness Programme Managers have the gravitas to manage large complex programmes. This comes from experience of having done it, being delivery focused with a mind-set that understands that everything will not always be perfect. Our ability to coordinate, provide direction and deliver transformation programmes is where we excel. Working at the highest ‘C’ level stakeholders, we drive programme delivery to meet business benefits. We ensure that ROI is core to success when businesses have competing priorities for investment.

Our role in providing Programme Management services:

Our people have done it. This is not a learning ground but an opportunity to lead, help and support organisations undertaking transformation. Our people work across all levels of the organisation, from the Board, Business Executives, Programme Sponsor and Stakeholders to the individual teams on the ground. Having been those individuals within organisations, we mentor and support existing team members and stakeholders. Where skills do not match the needs of the programme we can offer independent advice on where change needs to happen.
Governance & Practices
We bring a Governance framework that can be introduced into existing practices or we can support the implementation of a new methodology. Those immediate actions ensure stakeholder engagement, ownership, communication, plans, forecasting and KPIs are the foundation to succeed. Our people bring a toolkit, out-of-the-box artifacts that can be used and introduced immediately to assist in the control and monitoring. We implement a culture of clear communication that supports the need for good information and feedback at the right levels.
We ensure an immediate environment of control is introduced. A moment to assess where and what needs to happen, introduce priorities and structure. If need be, stop the hero and ‘fire-fighting’ mentality. Success only happens where the business has ownership and skin in the game to experience success, workforce moral is high and everyone feel a shared ownership to deliver. The environment to deliver can be as important and the actual plans and framework.

Contact us Today

Ian Hay
Director, Financial Practice

+44 (0)772 0769031